HSKK Chinese language proficiency testing
About HSK/HSKK Chinese language proficiency testing
In recognising the importance of Mandarin skills in an increasingly globalised climate, the Confucius Institute at the University of Queensland encourages students of the language to test their skills in the form of the HSK and HSKK.
The standard HSK test (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) is available to scholars of all ages. The HSK Speaking Test (HSKK) assesses the test takers’ ability to express themselves in oral Chinese and is an important part of the Chinese testing system. These are standardized exams for Chinese language proficiency and are aimed at non-native Chinese speakers of all levels. The HSK/HSKK are a highly valued tool used in the assessing those with aspirations for study, research and employment in China.
Students who excel at the higher HSK levels may also be eligible for support offered by the China National Committee for Chinese Proficiency Test for study in China.
Test Benefits:
- Evaluate your Mandarin abilities
- Receive official recognition for your language skills
- Results may be useful for study and work applications to China
- Expand vocabulary through the test preparation materials (available online - refer below)
Test Dates at UQ - 2019:
- March 23 (HSK)
- May 11 (HSK, HSKK)
- September 22 (HSK)
- October 13 (HSK, HSKK)
** Online test enrolment and test payment must be completed no later than one month prior to test date.
Test Fees:
- HSK $35 to $75 (depending on level)
- HSKK $35 to $75 (depending on level)
Test Registration:
- Please complete your registration via the HSK Webportal
- Make the test payment via UQ's Online Payment System (fee will automatically appear once test level is selected). A receipt will be generated.
- After completing the application form, please send a copy of the test fee receipt to info@confucius.uq.edu.au. Applicants will be notified about the test admission ticket (after payment confirmation and registration) no later than 10 days prior to the testing date.
Online Resources:
The HSK Webportal also offers practice options for test takers from HSK 1 to 6 (login/registration may be required).
Please direct your questions regarding the HSK/HSKK/YCT to info@confucius.uq.edu.au. Schools are also welcome to contact the Confucius Institute at UQ should they need assistance with HSK preparation and testing.