2021 UQ Staff Development Opportunities - Language and Etiquette Courses

14 January 2021

The Confucius Institute at The University of Queensland (UQ CI) remains committed to supporting UQ staff in their professional development in relation to Mandarin language and Chinese Culture.

In 2021 UQ CI will again offer courses in the following areas to support UQ staff development:

1. UQ Staff Mandarin Course

UQ CI will offer fully sponsored places to UQ staff (that meet course criteria) to engage in short-term Mandarin study. The Course is primarily aimed at participants new to Mandarin language study and will be offered over eight sessions (16 hours tuition). UQ Staff that have a Basic or Intermediate level of Mandarin may also contact UQ CI to express their interest.

Why learn Mandarin?

Learning Mandarin is without doubt a highly rewarding experience. As one of the world’s most widely spoken languages, developing Mandarin skills can complement career development, travel and cultural understanding opportunities.

Course Dates

2021 Course dates will be listed on the UQ CI website in due course.  

Applying for this Course

UQ staff may express their interest by emailing  business.manager@confucius.uq.edu.au 

2. Chinese Business Etiquette, UQ Staff Development Program

The Chinese Business Etiquette course, run across Basic and Advanced levels will again be delivered as part of UQ's Staff Development Program.  Each level (2 hours per session) aims to provide an understanding of key Chinese cultural aspects and how they shape behaviours, traditions, and interpretations. 

Course Outline

Basic Level

Engagement with Chinese people, initial contact, introductions, greetings and compliments, establishing initial relationships, socialising, giving thanks and responding to thanks, farewelling, doing business or working with Chinese people (basic principles), negotiating techniques, body and sign language, decision making processes (basic principles), Chinese culture, background principles of the language, superstitions, basic taboos, festivals, dining culture, cuisine, and dining etiquette.

Advanced Level

Chinese beliefs and global outlook, Chinese culture and its related influences on social life, behaviours, arts, architecture, medicine and cuisine, cultural symbolism, localism and its cause, Chinese cultural origins, Chinese civilisation as well as how the culture is reflected through the Chinese language and related thinking patterns.    

Course Dates

2021 Course dates will be listed on both the UQ CI website and the Staff Development Program website in due course.

Applying for this Course

UQ staff may express their interest by emailing  business.manager@confucius.uq.edu.au 
